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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

There is a Reason We Like Living in Grand Junction

Grand Junction was recently ranked in the "TOP 20 - Places to Live" according to a study done by Farmers Insurance Group. On top of that, Census data that was released on Monday has our property taxes as one of the least expensive in the state.

Grand Junction among Top 20 most secure places to live

Property taxes less costly in Mesa County than in 17 other Colorado counties

Monday, December 15, 2008

What the New Oil and Gas Rules Mean for Us

Well nobody knows for sure how these rules are going to effect us in Western Colorado. I think the national economy will play a part in our future, as well. The oil and gas companies are cutting back, but not pulling out at this time. Homes are still projected to appreciate, just not as fast as we have been used to. So basically things are looking to slow down for a little while, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Long-term numbers tell a different story

Second-largest gas producer to run half as many rigs locally

Rent expected to plateau as vacancy rate eases slightly

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The New Oil and Gas Rules Came Out On Thursday

Well, the new rules are out and they were followed by announcements from the local companies that they were scaling back their operations over this coming year. On the flip side, the oil and gas companies are taking this to the State Legislature in the beginning of next year. Also, from what I've been hearing this means no more guaranteed overtime for some of their employees. I have included a link to the new rules and regulations if you want to read them, they are 85 pages long.

New Rules for the Oil and Gas Industry, effective 4/1/09

Local Newspaper article on new rules and regulations

Local Newspaper Article - Energy Fight goes to Legislature

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rates Could Keep Going Down

We had our weekly meeting here at the office today and we had our in-house lender come and give us an update. The word on the street is that rates look like they will continue to go down and could even get below 5% by the beginning of next year. So if you are looking to refinance or buy a home this is good news!

You might find this article from Business Week interesting - Refinancing your Mortgage

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Graphs-Grand Junction Real Estate Statistics for October 2008

Grand Junction Real Estate Statistics for October 2008

I know I'm getting this information to you a bit late this month. Sorry! The good news is that I should have November's Stats in a couple of weeks.

The Summary for October 2008 looks like this -

  • October was a very slow month for real estate in Grand Junction. However after the election business picked up, at least for our office.
  • 159 homes sold. Also, we went from average days on the market(DOM) to average months on the market and that was at 4.2 average months.
  • In October, inventory was down considerably for homes priced lower than $450,000.
  • The average price of the homes sold this month went down slightly by $4,002 to $246,787.

Disclaimer, I get the monthly statistics from my broker and his numbers take into account the expired listings and therefore slightly differ from my weekly statistics

Monday, December 1, 2008

The New Oil and Gas Rules Are Expected Out Next Week

I've been waiting for the New Rules to finally come out and according to our local newspaper they should be out next week. It will definitely be interesting to see what the new rules are and how they affect the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Colorado. I have included a link to the article below.

Daily Sentinel-New Oil and Gas Rules