This is a tender subject. I know some folks feel that they have no other option, but I think it is important to know the repercussions. I'm a firm believer that the more information we have the better decisions we can make. If you are struggling to make your mortgage payments or you are already behind, it is easy to think that maybe you should just walk away. However, there are a few options out there and it is best to stay in contact with your mortgage company. You may be eligible for a loan modification or a good canidate for a short sale. Yes, both of these options will affect your credit, but not as badly or for as long as a foreclosure. Both of these options require work and diligence on your part. It is easy to feel very overwhelmed and just want to quit. Trust me during this process you will feel like throwing in the towel, but the reward for sticking with it is worth it. The Rewards are that your credit won't take as big of a hit. I know some of you feel it can't get any worse, but it can. The big picture of your credit score is that anyone who asks for your SSN can and probaly is running a credit check on you. If you refuse to give them your SSN them the various companies assign you as a person with low credit. Now, think carefully who already has or request your SSN. I can name a few - health and auto insurance, credit card companies, auto loans, banks, physicians, colleges, and employers. Not all of these entities order a credit check on you, but some do and based on your credit score they are increasing your interest rates, reducing your line of credit, cancelling you card, and increasing your insurance rates. The one that most folks don't think about is employers, depending on their parameters, low credit can hurt you from getting security clearance for some positions(especially for government positions). If you are applying for a job and you are in the running, but you have a low credit score it can hurt you. In general, all of these entities feel that if you have low credit score you are a bigger risk to them. I'm not saying this is right, however it does happen.
I know that there are a couple of you reading this now and you have tried these options, but for whatever reason these options didn't work out for you. They key is that you tried and gave it your best.
REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-'Strategic Defaults' Can Damage Credit for Years